Nobody wakes up, picks up their keys and hopes to have a bad day on the road. However, life happens and sometimes machines break down. Access to a quick and reliable mobile fitting service can be the difference between making it on time for that all-important meeting or ensuring you don’t miss the birth of your baby.
Just like batteries and steering wheels, you want your preferred service to match your needs. Here are three things standard mobile fitting vans should have:
- All the right tools and parts – Mobile fitting cans should come with at least 2 spare tyres, spanners, screwdrivers and wrenches of every type, shape and size.
- More than one car engineer/mechanic – Sometimes, you’re forced to park by the roadside due to a number of issues. You could have 1 deflated tyre, another with too much pressure, and another that simply rolled off your car (we hope this NEVER happens). Considering this, it’s advised for mobile fitting vans to arrive with at least 2-3 mechanics. This is sure to increase the speed of repairs and get you back on the road in no time.
- Speedy response – The concept behind mobile fitting vans is to provide fast and reliable on-road repairs for drivers in need. Arriving on the scene in the shortest possible time is important.
If you’re ever stuck on the road in need of tyre repairs or replacements, you should call us at TyrePro for the fastest response and best service.
Our trusted mobile fitting van service provides mobile tyre repairs and new tyre fitting for most vehicles, including cars, 4x4s, vans and light trucks. Wherever you may be in Lagos, whether that’s at home, work or by the side of the road, our mobile tyre service ensures you can get the professional help you need when you most need it.
Save time by having a mobile fitting van come to you. Don’t waste the day at a local mechanic, when you can have your tyres fitted at home, work or any other location at a time that is convenient to you